AR-15, AR-10, and 458 SOCOM muzzle brakes in stainless steel, black oxide, and titanium muzzle brakes. When you are building a AR-15, AR-10 or 458 SOCOM rifle or customizing one you own or going California Complaint, it's important to pay attention to details. Simply upgrading to a titanium bolt carrier group, drop in trigger or any of the other custom parts available from Bishop Ammunition & Firearms. A great number of people believe that the details just to the upper and lower receiver which address a bolt carrier group, going with a ambidextrous charging handle, ambidextrous safety which are simple upgrades but they neglect one important thing.
The builder of a AR rifle should give consideration to their muzzle device. A muzzle brake is the single most important improvement as this is what will reduce recoil the most and allow the rifleman to stay on target.
Every part matters on the AR-15, AR-10 and 458 SOCOM rifle. Flash suppressors which are illegal in California and are not compliant, reduce the flash of the discharged round and were intended to help conceal the shooter's firing position at night. Flash suppressors do reduce muzzle flash but not enough to actually conceal where the firing position is. The flash suppressors do not reduce recoil. This is where the muzzle brake comes into play. The muzzle brake is complaint with the laws of The State of California and is a big step in making your AR-15, AR-10 or 458 SOCOM California Compliant.
Muzzle brakes reduce the recoil of the rifle. By reducing the recoil of a rifle ti allows the barrel to remain stationary and you are able to remain on target while reducing recoil. The muzzle brakes by Bishop Ammunition & Firearms combine elements of a compensator, which reduces muzzle rise, and the muzzle brake which reduces recoil.